Hi! My name is Saori and I love drawing animals and people in whimsical stories with dark undertones. I am currently located in Tokyo Japan. I lived in the U.S. for over 20 years and consider it my second home.
My illustrations are painted in a realistic and traditional style but I always want there to be an element of quirkiness or strangeness to them. I like it when familiarity and unfamiliarity coexist. Growing up in two cultures, Japan and the U.S., I find that to be my comfort place and I try to express that in my artwork.
I received my MFA from the University of Pennsylvania, creating wall sculptures, paintings, and animations. After graduating I moved to New York and worked as a news producer for a major news outlet. I traveled to different states and countries chasing the latest news stories, coordinating interviews, editing videos, and producing countless feature stories. As you can imagine, I have a lot of experience working with a team under tight deadlines and I think this experience will help me in my next chapter.
I am very excited about starting a new career as an illustrator. My next goal is to illustrate books for children and young adults. I am also interested in adult and philosophical themes and want to create illustrations and animations for music, poetry, and news articles.
I look forward to working with you!
ペンシルベニア大学院 芸術科 修士 修了後、ニューヨークで日本のテレビ局の報道プロデューサーとして働く。